الأحد، 23 يناير 2011

welcome back! .. back to my blogger again :)

hello dears,
iam happy to write to you again :)
sorry for being busy last days in my exams .. really i hope it be ok!

i write to you from my room in the cairo university hostel, my room is dark now, cuz we are at night and i don't like to disturb my friend who is sleeping now with the lights, specially i don't study, the laptop on my legs while iam on my bed!

i was watching a film of "The social network" it is about facebook foundation by mark zuckerburg, this film make me full of activity.

it show how the idea be an imprtant thing it is a big value when u create a new idea!

my brain like that, like to think, like ideas .. really i don't know it is about to stop or about to start, lol.

i know that the needs is the creators of the ideas, but what we need??

it is a difficult thing to search about your or others need cuz i think alot of things already around us.

but i will still think, still search, may be i get it :)...

thanks for reading this